“Mom and Dad, why did you vote….”


My husband:  Because the republicans piss me off.

Me:  Because we are open minded, forward thinkers, not afraid of change.  We don’t want the same ole boy network.

Today is an AWESOME day for all Democrats and what an incredibly graceful concession speech given by Senator McCain.

3 Responses to ““Mom and Dad, why did you vote….””

  1. Stacey_CrimsonPurl Says:

    Exactly!!!!! YES WE DID!!!

  2. Bonnie Says:

    We were drops of water that helped create a flood. A flood to wash away the old and create new life where there once was desolate wasteland, forged by Republican mistakes and dictator like mentality.

  3. Soknitpicky Says:

    Hmmm, for some reason, the blog wouldn’t let me comment on your latest post. First off, congrats to your son and good luck with the season! As for the yarn shortage, I would leave a message on the ISO/destash board on Ravelry saying what you need and what lot number, as well as troll around people’s stash listings. I have heard so many success stories of people who were able to come up with the required amount this way. Best of luck on your search!

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